Hello! Now, we all know I’m not an erotica author. I tend to leave the steamy sex scenes out of my work, kind of like going to the toilet and blowing your nose. I am, however, friends with a few erotica and romance authors, and they’ve corrupted me. Yes. You heard right. They have corrupted me! I’m part of the newly formed 4 Whips. The other talented (and gorgeous) members are Melissa Craig, Amber Norrgard and Charity Parkerson.

We’re running a short story competition to find approximately six short stories for a free anthology that will be published as an e-book. As part of the deal, the four of us are writing our own stories to be included in the ‘package’. So, although I’ve edited erotica before, I’ve never actually written it and this will be my first foray into the genre (I hope I get out alive and not too dishevelled).

This is my drawing of what I think a turkey slap is (okay so maybe I’m naive). 

The basics are that the short story must be betweet 500 and 1000 words, have a sex scene and include the words ‘turkey slap’. For full details of the competition please visit Charity’s site and the 4 Whips page. There are prizes for the winners, other than publication in our awesome book. So have some fun and enter (guys don’t be shy). We can’t wait to read your stories.

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